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Programme Planning


All our programmes are available in OSM. 

Download this handy Word doc to help plan your meetings.


Youth Shaped

Involving our young people in our plans is very important. Click here to find out how you can do it!

Risk Assessments

It is a requirement to ensure that all activities are risk assessed.

This can easily be done within OSM.

More details here

Activity Permit Scheme

This internal assessment scheme is designed to ensure that all those leading adventurous activities for young people within Scouting have the skills, experience and personal suitability to do so.

Click here


There are loads of great activities to use on the Scouts website.

Click here to find our more!

A Million Hands

Removing social barriers, connecting communities and improving lives

Click here


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Copyright © 2019 1st York (Poppleton)

All images belong to 1st York (Poppleton) or have been freely downloaded from Scouts UK

Website built with WIX by Alex Pull and Paul Tweedhope

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