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All new Scouts please complete these forms...
Scout Knife Agreement
Scout Behaviour Contract
All Scouts must have Notepads, Pens, Knife, Torch and Warm Clothes at all sessions
Those without may be sent home
Please use the Online Scout Manager for the Programme which you should have been sent an email with the link to update your personal details
Please use the below as a guide but check Online Scout Manager for the latest updates

Meet at 6:45 for Night Hike

What we try to do throughout your time at Scouts;
For all Scouts to work towards their Chief Scout's Gold Award before moving up,
but have lots of adventures and fun in order to achieve it!
For the Chief Scouts Gold Award, you need to;
Earn six activity or staged activity badges of your choice;,64,779
They could be badges you gain outside of your normal meetings or ones you’ve achieved through your programme;
Complete the nine challenge awards. These are:
World Challenge Award
Skills Challenge Award
Creative Challenge Award
Outdoors Challenge Award
Adventure Challenge Award
Expedition Challenge Award
Teamwork Challenge Award
Team Leader Challenge Award
Personal Challenge Award
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